MEMBERSHIP FEE €55 from 1Jan23
May be paid direct to:
An Oige Photo Group, Permanent Trustee Savings Bank, 13 Lr O'Connell Street, Dublin 1
IBAN IE66IPBS99060180029304
Account Name An Oige Photo Group
Receiver’s Message Include your name + ref MS.
OR BY Cheque:
Make cheques payable to
M. Mc Donnell.
3 Grace Park Terrrace,
If you are not familiar with Internet Banking you can set it up either
At your local bank. It is advisable that you bring with you
Identification such as Driving Licence or Passport
Something with your name and address such as a recent bill or bank statement
Credit or Debit Card
At home online by telephone with the bank. You should have your credit or debit card at hand.
Whether setting up at the branch or by phone your bank will provide you with full guidance on all procedures.
The telephone number for AIB customers is 0818724724.